The Patients Association is running a webinar following the publication of Future Health’s recent report, The Forgotten Majority

This important campaign aims to raise awareness among policy representatives from Government and other political parties, as well as other key stakeholders, about the real life every day challenges faced by people with long-term health conditions and advocate for meaningful policy change as we approach the General Election.  

This webinar will provide patient experience to bring to life policies and initiatives aimed at addressing gaps in care for people with long-term health conditions. We hope this will raise awareness among policymakers and key stakeholders about the challenges faced by the ‘forgotten majority’ and the urgency of addressing their treatment and care. 

Our Chief Executive, Rachel Power, will be chairing this webinar on Tuesday 21st May 9-10am. The panel will share their insights on the importance of addressing the needs of people with long-term health conditions, and will advocate for improved care and support services. 

Hopefully this will increase awareness and understanding among policymakers and key stakeholders about the challenges faced by individuals with long-term health conditions, and drive systemic change. 

*AbbVie provided arm’s length full funding but has had no influence in the project, or the development of any associated materials.